The Wonder of Imagination

The other day, Micah refused to nap! He just fought it the whole day. He even chanted as he painted his picture, “Mama, no nap, no nap. Micah does not need a nap. No nap, no nap, Micah does not need a nap.” It sounded more annoying (as you can imagine) than funny when it was happening. But at his usual nap time (and my much awaited ME time), I sent him off to bed.

After two hours, he was still awake. I could hear him reciting parts of the books he had memorized, talking to himself and singing his heart out. It was funny listening to him. But I figured, might as well keep him up since this nap thing isn’t working and bedtime will just be moved up an hour early.
I walked into his room and told him he could stay in his room until I was ready for him to come downstairs. He could read or play legos on his mat while he waited. He really wanted to ride his bike and his car downstairs but he since he didn’t nap (thus disobeying) his consequence was he had to entertain himself in his room alone.

Two hours later (YES, two hours…I was shocked, too!) he was still up there. I could hear him talking but it was too muffled for me to understand. I decided to listen through the door. He was talking about a tow truck coming to take the car away because there was construction going on. I was curious to see what he was doing. I wished there was a peep hole so I can look in. I just opened the door quietly to see what was going on. Low and behold, there was powder on his community mat.



I was just about to go, “Micah! What happened?! What did you do?!” But I held my breath and listened to him narrate his story. He looked up with a grin and said, “Mama! Look! There’s snow and construction site and the tow truck take away the car because he was in an accident.” His imagination was running wild and his brain was too fast for his mouth. He was trying really hard to explain what was going on but he was just too excited!


I watched quietly as he shared his heart with me. He told me how the tow truck with a mechanic was helping the car and that the driver did not check the traffic so he got stuck (Trivia: his dad always needs to check the traffic whenever we get into the car. I thought that part was hilarious!). The snow (aka baby powder) covered the road, which caused it to become a construction site. He showed me how the construction worker and driver (he is a multi-tasker apparently) had to put the “snow/dirt” into the dump truck then drive away. He proudly showed me the skyscrapers he had built with lego and how Bob the builder had come to build them. He was throwing all these big words at me and quoting the books we learned them from.



At that moment, my heart was filled to the brim. I was glad I held my breath and let him take charge. At the end of the day, it was my fault for leaving the powder within his reach and for not giving him enough boundaries on what he can and cannot do in his room. I savored the moment as I listened to my 2.5 year old share what was in his mind and in his heart. I listened as he opened his eyes to the raw power of integrating everything we have been learning and experiencing. He allowed me to go back to the days when I would make stuff up and laugh at the simplest things. As I watched him find joy in powder, tow trucks and building legos, I silently thanked the Lord for the little things that make us smile. Who would have thought my mistake of leaving the baby powder within his reach would allow him to picture snow and make it real.


Because of this, we were able to stop and talk about who created this wonderful thing called snow and once again bring it back to our awesome Creator. It is amazing how God uses these moments to make us stop and appreciate His majesty. It reminded me to make a conscious effort to revert everything back to the One who made it all and making each moment a teachable moment that leads back to Christ.
Moments later, we heard the garage door open. I quickly ran downstairs to meet my husband. I knew he would freak out (eyes wide open, mouth drops, and goes WAH!) at the sight of the powder on the floor so I had to warn him. I gave him a hug and a kiss and said, “Babe, hurry. Go upstairs to Micah’s room and listen through the door. Listen to what he is talking about. It’s really funny and quite entertaining. But there’s stuff on the floor you might not like. Don’t react! Control yourself. He is just using his imagination.” Chris was like, “WHAT?! What’s on the floor?!” I said, “Nothing the vacuum can’t take care of and it’s just on his play mat and not on the carpet.”


Thank God I prompted him because his eyes did pop out when he saw the powder. But he did keep his mouth shut and replaced the gasp with a pleasant inquiry of what was going on. Micah enthusiastically shared the happenings in his busy little town while his dad listened attentively to him. My husband looked at me and smiled with saying, “Thanks for the heads up but you gotta clean this up later.”

What a blissful moment.


A Mother’s Embrace, A Glimpse of God’s Grace (featured article)

Thank you for allowing me to be a guest writer in their featured reads, parenting section. What a great opportunity to share my heart and my experience with other women-wives, moms, moms-to-be and singles who want to move towards the direction I am in.

Truly, it is only by God’s grace that I was able to learn and grow from this experience. May the spotlight be on the One who is able to redeem, restore and refresh my life daily! Feel free to share it with others so they to can be encouraged by God. May God be glorified!

It is not I but Christ!

Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” 

Routines that Rock our Cradle

Juggling a toddler and an infant is definitely one of the most entertaining and exciting chapters of my life. But it can definitely turn into a circus act, too! Therefore, establishing a routine quickly became my top priority. Having a routine allowed all of us to settle into the new changes and transitions that happened over the past 5 months. We were able to adjust our schedules which allowed us all to better spend our time together as a family. It also helped us to deal with each child especially with Micah since we wanted him to adjust well to his little brother. It allowed us to have time for ourselves and with each other as husband and wife.

Because the boys understand the predictability of their schedules, they have learned to adjust and be flexible even if we are at a different place or even in a different timezone. We are able to leave the boys with my wonderful in-laws on weekends so we can catch a late-night movie or go to dinner with friends and come home to them fast asleep. We can also go on road trips or take 14-hour flights with minimal fussing and take vacations with ease. It’s easier for us to find babysitters (family and close friends) to watch the boys for us when we have to attend weddings or “adults only” events because we are confident it will be a pretty “easy” evening or at least I think so…because they still end up babysitting for us again (on another occasion…which I am guessing is always a good sign! haha)

Research has shown that set routines are very important to a child’s sense of well-being and growth. They are happier when they know what to expect because it gives them a sense of security and comfort. This helps them trust adults and feel more comfortable in exploring their environment. With my little one, settling him on a fairly predictable pattern has definitely helped him a lot. I structured his naps to sync with his older brother’s with occasional mishaps. This definitely allows me to have some “me time,” cook, take care of the house, fold the never-ending laundry pile, and even take a shower! But the first rule of establishing a routine was: NIGHT TIME IS SLEEP TIME!

Predictable routines also encourage learning. Waving hello and saying goodbye are some social routines that adults quickly introduce to children. Routines help children make transitions between activities and events. Remember, routines don’t have to be rigid to be effective. Flexibility and variations are fine as long the child knows what will ultimately happen in the end. Children feel safe and also develop a sense of mastery when a routine has been established. Helping them create a structure allows them to internalize constructive habits that eventually lead to independence and confidence.
Of course you have to throw in some spontaneity to spice things up a little bit sometimes. Staying up to pick up your visiting relatives from the airport or hanging out with a friend can certainly be a welcome exception!

Benefits of Having a Routine in our Home

1. I can cooperate!

Micah knows exactly what to do when we say “go upstairs and get ready for bed.” Of course, now that he is able to negotiate, he often asks to read one more book or he needs to drink water but other than those predictable requests, he knows what needs to be done before bed. Titus, on the other hand, also benefits from the same bedtime routine. Once we are done with reading, singing, and praying with both of them (and drinking milk for Titus), they both know that they will be escorted to bed, given hugs, and kisses and it’s see you in the morning. Titus falls asleep on his own once we lay him down in his bed, too. This definitely reduces power-struggle and nagging!

2. I’m in charge!

Micah loves being in charge of himself. He loves being independent. Most kids do! Giving them the freedom to do things for themselves increases their sense of mastery and competence. Being independent decreases the need to rebel and be oppositional.

3. I can look forward!

Micah is slowly understanding the concept of looking forward to something. He is learning that once he wakes up from his nap, he can have some quiet reading or Lego time. It gets him excited for what is ahead. It may be an occasional trip to the park or playing in the sandbox, too.

4. I am expected to obey joyfully.
Ephesians 6:1 says, “Children, obey your parents for this is the right thing to do.”

Micah knows that this is what happens in our home. He is expected to obey mommy and daddy because it pleases God. With a routine, we are most likely expected to stick with healthy expectations that benefit everyone in the family, because that’s the way we do it in our household. This results to healthy habits in a happy home, where everything runs a little more smoothly (for most days at least).

5. I am intentionally loved!

We enjoy doing things with our boys but we like to have down time too. We love just rolling around on the ground and dancing to random made-up songs together as a family. I think they do, too! Micah looks forward to his special time with daddy after dinner when they read books, play basketball, throw the football or hit golf balls together. I love hearing them laugh together and enjoy each other. Titus loves tummy time with Daddy before he goes to work in the morning. He actually gets up around the same time everyday because he knows his dad will pick him and bring him to our bed to snuggle with him. More than anything, these are the memories I want the boys to have with us. That we set aside time apart just for them. Building little connection rituals into your schedules every day allow these precious moments to happen. Making a habit to set aside bonding moments with your children creates a sense of security, an environment of love and a lasting memory of special connections that only you and your child can have.

It can be really challenging having an infant and a toddler at the same time but having a set of routines will help your family life more manageable and enjoyable. It’s also good to have your husband partner with you in imposing these routines so that your kids will know that these are the house rules to be followed even if one of the parents is not around. Each day will have spur of the moment incidents that you can’t control and that’s fine. Just deal with it and go back to your routine. It takes patience and practice. Soon enough you’ll realize that each member of your family benefits from the routines you’ve put in place.

Daily Schedule  
8:30-9:00 Wake up/ Quiet reading time
9:00-9:30 Brush teeth / Breakfast
9:30-12:30 Homeschool/ Work Time (errands, museum, swimming class, library)
10:15-12:00 Titus’s morning nap
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:30 Quiet reading time
1:30-3:30 Both boys nap
3:30-5:30 Quiet reading time/ Lego
5:30-6:15 Playtime
6:15-6:50 Dinner
6:50-7:50 Daddy Time!
7:50-8:15 Wash up, ready for bedtime
8:15-8:30 Read, sing, pray

Learning in 3 Easy Steps: The Three Period Lesson Technique

The 3 Period Lesson

The “three period lesson” is used throughout the Montessori environment to help introduce a new lesson/concept and lead the children along a path to understanding and mastery. In the area of language this is used to increase, enrich, and broaden a child’s vocabulary.

It’s important to practice the method of presenting the Three Period Lesson several times until you are comfortable giving it with ease. There are no set movements or patterns that you must follow in each of the periods. As long as you understand the principle of the period, and keep it simple and focused, you can ask the child to do whatever is appropriate for the setting, object, or concept you are teaching.

Begin by presenting the child with three objects of contrast and isolate them on a table or mat. In this example, I will be using 3 landmarks from our Landmarks of the World collection: Big Ben, Taj Mahal and Pyramids of Giza.

1. First Period: Naming Period

This period is short as it simply involves giving the object a name (“THIS IS”).

a. Pick up the object and say “Big Ben” while showing it to your child.
b. Repeat it clearly and slowly several times. As you do this, show and let the child feel the object.
c. Continue on with the second and third objects. In this case, the Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower.
d. Once you’ve named them, review them one more time by pointing or holding each of them individually.

2. Second Period: Recognition and Association

This period is longer as it involves recalling the objects repeatedly (“SHOW ME”).

a. Note the object that the child knows best. (Micah loves the Big Ben and it quickly became his favorite. He remembered it right away because he associated it with his uncle’s name which was Ben.)
b. Rearrange the objects and ask the child to show you a specific object.

“Can you please show me the Big Ben?”
“Put the Taj Mahal on your head.”
“Hand me the Eiffel Tower.”
“Put the _______ here/ there/etc.” You can point to a spot on the table/mat or in the child’s body.

c. Important reminder: this is not the time to test the child.

You can extend the handling and movement of the objects to encourage kinesthetic memory. This also allows the child to solidify his recognition of the object’s name. Make it fun and interactive. Be as creative as you want. The more engaged your child is the more he/she will want to continue. This period is the most critical therefore the longest. It’s all about REINFORCE AND REVIEW.

3. Third Period: The Test

This involves asking the child to verbally recall for the first time the name of the objects (“WHAT IS THIS?”).
a. Place the 3 objects back in front of the child.
b. Point to the first object and ask the child, “What is this?”
c. Repeat with the second and third object.

It is important to proceed to this period only if you feel the child will be successful. If the child is unable to recall the names of the objects, simply give them the names again or repeat the second period.

We have the hardest time remembering the times in the middle of the list. The items at the beginning and at the end are easier to recall. To help your child ease his/her way to recalling the names, here are some tricks you can use:

1. Make sure you place the new object at the beginning or the end.
2. Place the object that your child knows best in the middle to increase his comfort level.
3. The last object can be new or somewhat familiar to the child.

If you decide to continue after he/she has made a mistake or has forgotten the name, begin with the last object mentioned, kindly reinforcing it immediately. Even if you rotate the objects, always put the familiar one in the middle.

If the child is unable to recall the names of the objects, simply give them the names again, and casually end the lesson without making the child feel as though they’ve failed.

Remember to always make learning fun! Your child should find joy in discovering new things. He/she should not fear making mistakes because it’s all part of the learning process. 🙂 Hope you’ll enjoy doing the 3 Period Lesson with your little one!

*Micah really enjoyed learning about these landmarks and we have moved on to the second set. The landmarks in this collection include: Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Statue of Liberty, Arc of Triumph, Taj Mahal, Parthenon, Temple of Inscriptions and Pyramids of Giza. The pictures did not come with the collection. I just googled the images of the landmarks, printed them and laminated them so he can match the items with the pictures.


Fun Ways to Bond with Your Baby

A baby can bring indescribable joy to one’s home and family. Holding, smelling, cuddling, and being around this precious little gift just makes your heart swell. Nothing compares to the amazing feeling that overwhelms you when you are around this tiny human being. When you first bring your new baby home, your thoughts are usually full of practical matters: how to keep your baby clean, warm and well-fed; diaper duties, car-seat installations and getting some sleep.

Newborn Titus

Newborn Titus

Once these necessities are taken care of, your little baby needs something more in order to thrive: loving, playful and warm interactions with those around him. Countless studies have shown that a child’s sense of self-esteem and his ability to form close relationships are greatly dependent on the quality of his bond with his parents. The best way to enhance this is to interact with you! Here’s how our family is enjoying our newest little addition, Titus. These activities encourage body awareness, emotional development, social development, tactile stimulation, upper body strength, and balance.

1. Infant Massage: If we love a nice back rub or spa massage, our little ones do, too! Simply find a room or a sunny spot on the bed or the carpet at a time when you and your baby are both relaxed. Our boys especially enjoy this after their baths. (We still do it with our 23 month old!) Take off all his cloths and rub some oil between your hands to prevent too much friction. Using the milking motion, gently squeeze each arm and leg. Move your hands through his torso and out to his sides. Make small circles around his hands and feet.


Favorite time with mama & papa

2. Stretching out: After nine months of being in the womb, your little one tends to curl up in a fetal position. Gentle stretching exercises will help him be aware of his arms and legs. Lay your baby on his back and very gently stretch his arms over his head and then down again. Try bringing his arm up while carefully stretching his opposite leg down.



3. Baby Airplane: Parents around the world have spent hours comforting colicky babies by swaying them back and forth in the airplane or football hold. The steady pressure along the baby’s tummy provides soothing warmth. This usually works well when your baby is gassy, overwhelmed, or tired. Support your baby tummy down by holding her chest and belly with your arm. Singing a sweet melody always helps.


4. Rock and Roll: When we think of rocking the baby, we usually think of the baby on his back in our arms in a chair. But one very soothing motion for our little one is to be rocked from side to side on his tummy. Roll up a towel or blanket. Lay your baby on his belly over the roll (so it supports his head and body). Turn his head gently to one side and very gently rock him from side to side. This rocking motion helps stimulate and develop a sense of balance. This also gives him a chance to practice lifting his head.


5. Baby Cycle: This is another one of our favorites! This simple exercise lets your baby feel his little legs and feet move in a different way. To do this, move his legs very gently and very slowly in a bicycling motion while singing, smiling, and talking to him. This fun switch and kick movement encourages him to wiggle his legs. Keep pedalling! Pretty soon, he will be doing it himself. By doing this, you are mimicking an action he will be using when he learns to crawl. *We usually do this during or after the Infant Massage.*


Have fun with your little one!

Timmy Learns to Read

What a great way to teach your child!

every nook and cranny

Timmy is officially a reader! I want to share his reading journey to other moms out there who want to get their babies started on this reading habit. 🙂 My husband and I are both avid readers. So when Timmy was born we knew that the perfect toy for him would be books! Haha! So geeky! Anyway, he had a cloth book, bath book, foam books, board books, and anything with pages on them. 🙂


We would read to him a lot. I would use different voices to make it livelier. 🙂 I’m the more animated storyteller between my hubby and me. Haha! We also encouraged him to do whatever he wants with his books from biting them to sometimes ripping the pages accidentally. We would just tape his books so he could use it again. Usually, the more battered the book is, the more frequent Timmy uses it…

View original post 1,202 more words

Our Montessori Home

“To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.” – a quote from Maria Montessori 

A couple of moms have been asking me about how I rearranged our home so that we can transform a part of it into a “montessori classroom/prepared environment”. I apologize for the delay. I have been meaning to write something but I’ve been quite busy juggling life with an active toddler and being pregnant. But I have decided to finally set aside this time to write some tips down that may help answer some of your questions. 🙂 Before I begin I would like to explain what a prepared environment is and its components. You can use this as a guideline as you think about the space you plan to prepare for your child.

A prepared environment is a place designed to facilitate a maximum learning experience for a child that fosters independence and exploration. It is a well-thought of space that provides the child the freedom to discover and learn within limits. Structure is created through the arrangement of the classroom, well- chosen materials, order in the room and the location of the room you are preparing to make “your classroom”.

A key question I had to ask myself was “where do I put our classroom?” There is a basement in our house and when we bought it, we initially thought it would the perfect place for us to set up our classroom.  But after talking and thinking through it, my husband and I realized that though there was a lot of space and it was set apart from the rest of the house (which made it a distraction free zone), it had no access to natural light.  What seemed to be the perfect spot, turned out to be not so great after all. I looked through the house and realized that the best place for our classroom, was our dining room.  I consulted with my husband and I explained to him why it was the “best” location for our mini-homeschool. We had to talk about it since I was taking away our dining room! I chose to convert this area because it is the only place in our house that had giant windows, this allowed sunlight to shine in throughout the day (which saves electricity too) and it was spacious enough to set up our little work shelves. It had a little door in the back for me to access the room through the kitchen or at least peek through so I could occasionally check on my son during his work time while I was busy cooking or cleaning. The room was far enough that he wouldn’t get distracted if I was busy doing something else like cleaning the living room or doing the dishes in kitchen but close enough that I could get to him quickly if need be. So far it has worked out very nicely for us. Granted our dining table has been moved behind our living room, it is now a lot closer to the kitchen which makes cleaning up a lot easier! (haha) How about you? Are you thinking of your best spot?


Here are some characteristics of a prepared environment for your home. You can use these tips for your child’s classroom or bedroom.

1. LOW OPEN shelves: These are designed so your child has access to them without needing your help! Remember, a key principle in montessori is INDEPENDENCE! You want to make sure you foster that in everything you do.We got our shelves from Wal-mart. They were $17 and I just put them together myself.


2. Child-size tables and chairs: Ikea sells them, but they are only for children! Don’t make the mistake of sitting on it yourself because it will break! If you want better ones, invest in wooden ones from companies such as KidsKraft and Melissa and Doug.  Not only should your child be able to sit comfortably but he or she must be able to maintain proper posture as well. The best way to know this is his back is against the back rest and his feet is touching the ground. Granted if you have a toddler, he might have to grow a few more inches to fit perfectly but you get my point! 🙂 IMG_4260

This table is positioned by the window so my son can look outside, make observations about nature during work time. 


Our second table is positioned against the wall. This allows for concentration and focus. IMG_5609

3. Group your materials according to the proper curriculum areas: practical life, sensorial, language, math and cultural: For now, I have a toddler shelf too. If you have shelves for more than one area, keep them right next to each other to show the progression.


Toddler shelf: easiest materials on the bottom

4. Keep your classroom as attractive and as orderly as possible.:  Avoid clutter! There is a place for everything and keep everything in its place. Use trays or baskets to hold specific activities. You can even color code the activities so the child knows which “family” it belongs to. EX: Having an basket for his legos, a box for his wooden blocks or a tray with vegetables to cut allows him to select which one he wants to work with first. This also makes cleaning up a lot easier and faster!


5. Divide the materials (such as puzzles, animals, etc) into sets, bringing out only a few at a time and rotating them periodically. This is our cultural top shelf. These are items I have collected from different parts of the world. Some are gifts from dear friends, some I bought and I just rotate them depending on our topic.


My son loves to play the different instruments from around the world.

6. Have a bookshelf and a nice comfy chair to have some quiet reading time.: Encourage your child to have independent reading time! Allow your child to have a space in your house where he can sit back, relax and have some alone time. Don’t forget to ROTATE the books! Our current selections are books on being a big brother and having a new baby on the way since we have been talking to Micah about his baby brother that will be arriving any day now! 🙂 We are also learning about different animals, therefore books about them are on display as well! I personally prefer the one-sided bookshelves because it displays the books, allows for easy access, and it keeps the books nice and neat.  This couch and bookshelf are in his bedroom.



7.  Use rugs or mats:  This defines your child’s workspace and teaches them order. Have a designated place for your rugs so your child can roll it and return it after use as well. Rolling and unrolling a rug indirectly teaches your child coordination of movement, development of muscles and concentration! Believe me! It’s not as easy as it looks! You can use mats for your work tables too, not just to protect them from accidental art work but it also teaches your child how to take control of his space on the table.



I hope you find this post helpful as you create your own space at home! Feel free to share your ideas with me too!

Baby Foodie!

Solid food solutions and turn your babies into home cooked foodies! 

Beginning solid food is one of the great milestones of the first year of life. It is one of those subjects that every mommy (grandma and aunt) has an opinion about. According to a book I read, just a generation or two ago, babies started on solids at 6 weeks. YES! 6 weeks! I was shocked too. At 6 weeks, Micah and I just finally figured breast feeding out. But now, thank God the advice has changed. Most experts recommend exclusively breast feeding or formula feeding for the first several months. Some moms start at 4 months and some at 6. I waited till Micah was 6 months before I started. I had no clue about solids at all! My friends told me to watch for Micah’s cues but I had no idea what I should look for. I quickly read some books and looked online (thank you Google) and started observing Micah. On his 6th month birthday, my husband and I gave him his first taste of solid food. The expressions on his face were priceless! We laughed but struggled as we powered through a few spoonfuls of sweet potato. I knew we couldn’t live on sweet potato alone but luckily I had the 3 day rule to give me time to find other alternatives. What is the 3 day rule? When you introduce a new food, feed it to your baby for at least 3 days before you introduce another new food. IF your family has allergic tendencies, you can extend the testing period to 5 or 7 days. This gradual approach makes it easier to identify the culprit if there is any problem. My cousin (who is an amazing mother of 3) was kind enough to give me ideas of what I could make. Yam, potatoes and peas were some easy ones I began with. As Micah started to eat more, I realized I had to be more creative. I started combining veggies and watching for his reactions. So far, he has liked every single combination I’ve made. (Thank you Lord! I hope it stays this way.) 

Here are a few of my reasons for making homemade baby food. 

1. I wanted to prime his palate for a lifetime of healthy eating. By making it at home, I know exactly what goes into the food. 

2. It is more versatile because I can make it as thick and as chunky as he can handle. I realized early on that he didn’t like it when the food was pureed too much. 

3. It is more nutritious and varied. Jarred baby food is heated to high temperatures during processing. This destroys certain heat-sensitive vitamins than ordinary cooking does. By being able to choose my ingredients, I can also mix and match what I make for him. 

My cousin advised me to start by giving him jarred food when I first tried solids. This way, if he didn’t like it, I won’t feel so bad and I won’t waste what I made. (I AGREE & I would give the same advice!) She also told me, after he tastes your cooking, he won’t like eating out of a jar anymore. I am not a very good cook, but according to Micah, I think I’ve won Top Chef! He really doesn’t like jarred food anymore. Sometimes I want him to because it is a lot more convenient especially when we are traveling. 

But for parents who enjoy cooking and eating home cook meals, there is no reason to exclude your baby! Start exposing him to the food he will soon enjoy with rest of the family. I know making baby food does take time and energy. But by cooking in batches and freezing, you can make it nearly as convenient as jarred! Hand blenders are the best! They are so easy to use and so easy to clean! IF you have a steamer, it is best to use it but if you don’t, a pot of boiling water works just fine. Rules on refrigerating and freezing: Refrigerated food is good for up to 3 days and frozen food is good for up to 3 months.  

Here are some of our favorites. (They actually taste pretty good even without salt!) 

6 Months 


First Food Encounter at 6 months

1. Sweet Pea Puree

Boil the peas (fresh or frozen) in a pot. 5-7 minutes for fresh peas; 3 minutes for thawed frozen peas. Remove the peas and rinse them quickly to stop cooking. Puree the peas until smooth. Add the cooking liquid (it contains the nutrients!), breast milk or formula to thin pea puree to the consistency your baby can handle. Store or serve…your choice! 


All Hail the Butternut Squash







2. Winter Squash Puree (Micah’s absolute favorite) 

Preheat the oven to 350F. With a heavy and sharp knife (and all your might), cut the squash in half. Scrape out the seeds and strings. Put the squash cut side down in the baking pan. Pour water into the pan to come 1/4 inch up to the side of the squash. Put it in the over for 45minutes to 1 hour-depending on the size or until it is tender. (you can check by piercing it with a fork) Let it cool. Scoop out the flesh and puree it until smooth. Add water, breast milk or formula to the consistency of your choice. Store or Serve! 

 7-8 Months


Butternut squash puree

1. Whipped Cauliflower and Broccoli 

Trim the cauliflower/ broccoli and cut into similar sized florets. Put them in a pot with cold water to cover. Put the lid on the pot, bring it to boil over medium heat. Boil/ steam until they are tender (about 7 mins). Be careful not to overcook it or they will fall apart. Drain. While it is still hot, puree them until they are smooth and creamy. Again, you can use the water that you boiled them in.  Store or Serve! 

2. Carrots, corn and potato (Micah’s favorite) 

Saute the onion for a minute. Add the carrots and saute for 5 minutes. Add the potatoes, cover with water and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Add the corn and continue to cook for 5 minutes. Puree them and add the water used again. Store or Serve!  *food fact: corn is a good source of beta-carotene and fiber* 

9 Months

1. Fish fillet with vegetables (He loves fish!) 

Cook the carrots in boiling water for 15 minutes. Add the (frozen) peas and cook for 5 more or until the veggies are tender. (you can use other veggies too) Put the fish in a pan (you can add milk). Simmer for 3-4 minutes or until the fish is cooked. Drain the veggies and mix the flaked fish. Blend to a puree to your desired consistency. 

2. Chicken with Tofu and Kale (I liked it too!) 


Chicken, tofu & kale with carrots, corn, peas and potato

Cook the ground chicken in a saucepan. Chop up the tofu into cubes. Drain out the excess fat. Add the tofu and the kale into the pan once the chicken is cooked. Saute them together. Puree it to your desired consistency, use the water from the pan. Store or Serve!

*With the chicken, tofu and kale recipe, I also added some corn, carrots and peas into it and he loved it!




I hope you enjoy making some of these and your babies will like them too! Feel free to share your recipes with me! 

* I realized I should have taken better food pictures! Sorry! 




This show just gets me every time! I cry, I laugh, I sympathize, I relate and I struggle whenever I watch episodes of Parenthood. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this NBC TV series, here’s a summary in a nutshell.

Parenthood is a show that revolves around the Braverman family, which has expanded to three generations, featuring patriarch Zeek Braverman and matriarch Camille Braverman, their oldest son Adam, his wife, Christina and three children, their daughter Sarah and her two children, their second son Crosby, his new wife Jasmine and their young son Jabbar, and finally their youngest daughter Julia, her husband, their daughter Sydney, and their newly adopted young boy, Victor. The series is set in Berkeley, California and the San Francisco Bay Area. (This is from Wikipedia!) Great summary I thought! 🙂

Watching this show reminds me so much of my own family. It encapsulates a wonderful and loving family who goes through their daily lives together and are crazily involved (oh yes they are!) with one another. It is warm and funny but at the same time drama filled because of the life issues the family members face. Another thing I like is also that it is thought provoking. I say this because I always find myself thinking about the issues being brought up in the show. It is able to portray life as we know it today. Struggles of families with different situations, parental relationships, husband and wife relationships, sibling relationships, cousins, adoption, financial difficulties, special needs, even cross cultural differences are all tackled in this show. I think the producers, directors and writers do a pretty good job in capturing daily circumstances that families go through today. Not only does it make me think of how I was raised and how my family confronted similar instances but it also makes me think about how I would respond  to my son and his issues in the future. As I watch and follow this heartwarming show, it never fails to remind that each of our own family situation is unique and special in its own way. I love how Christina and Adam handled Max’s Aspergers Syndrome. I think they explained it to him in a wise and respectful manner. I also liked how Jasmine explained to Jabbar about African-American situations, it was clear, to the point and something a 5 year old would understand. It made me think about how I would handle Micah’s issues when he becomes a teenager and how I should or would react to actions and relationships (NO GIRLFRIENDS EVER!–JK!)  because of Sarah’s situations with Amber and Drew. I also understand how hard it must be for Marc to adjust and find his place as a step father in the lives of Sarah’s kids. I have a stepmom too and she’s amazing but we did have to go through a lot before we were able to establish this wonderful relationship that we share today! I cried buckets as I watched Zeek fight for his grandson’s turn at a baseball and how their entire family showed Victor that he is a part of their family by sitting through his entire game even though he wasn’t even playing. Thank God that coach put him in at the end! My family would have done the same…(only we don’t play baseball)…but everyone being supportive…that is guaranteed! My brother who we adopted when he was a baby is a very gifted singer has been asked to perform for different shows multiple times…and just like the Bravermans, our family is always there to support him…FULL FORCE! Now that’s what I call a stage family! 🙂 I love how Adam protects Christina and supports her through her struggle with cancer and how their whole family was shattered with when they shared the news. I remembered hearing about my aunt’s cancer diagnosis a year and a half ago weeks before my wedding. My heart broke into a million pieces and I remembered just how close our family got because we all came together to support her and love her. Different family members flew out to Vancouver to visit and took turns taking her to doctor appointments and chemotherapy. I was even willing to move our wedding date just in case she had an appointment. The close bond of the Bravermans is a constant reminder of how close mine is too. I miss them daily because we are so far away. It saddens me that they can’t watch my son grow up…like they did with me.  But thank God for technology! FaceTime, Skype and Viber are our best friends! I love it when my parents and my aunts call just to see how we are doing and how my son is growing. Just last night, right before bed time, my aunts from Vancouver called to FaceTime with Micah because I sent them a picture of his new haircut. They laughed as he crawled and drooled and played. It just made my heart smile. Nothing could come between the love our family has for each other…no distance is too far for love to travel!  I also loved the episode when Hattie was about to leave for college and everyone gather to say their goodbyes. It reminded me of my goodbye party before my final move to the US.  It was my last flight out as a single family member. Even though we will see each other in 6 months, we knew in our hearts it will never be the same again. That was the year I was getting married. I remembered crying so much that I could hardly talk. It was the only time none of my family members took me to the airport. As the van door closed, my tears rolled. My then fiance didn’t know how to comfort me. I knew in my heart that things were about to change. Good change though but still, I wanted to hold on as long as I could. My family is one of the best gifts God gave me. And just like the show, their family is made up of the grandparents, parents, aunties, uncles and cousins….just like mine! 🙂 Not everyone can say that..but I am proud to say I can. It can be crazy, everyone can and will be involved…opinions, welcomed or unwelcomed will be shared… but nothing beats having them around. It just makes me appreciate what I have even more. Can’t wait to see everyone in December! Counting down!!! 

Each family faces their own set of challenges, but it is how you propose to deal with it is what keeps you together or tears you apart. Watch Parenthood on NBC, Tuesday nights at 10 PM. 🙂